Data has never been more relevant for understanding consumer
By creating experiences that align with consumer demands, business leaders can create profits and growth. More importantly, they can create a sustainable business that aligns with constantly changing consumer trends.
Today’s Consumers Want Information Their Way – Now
Modern consumers want fast interaction with applications, content and people, and they want experiences that are personalized to their needs. As an example, publishing and selling an online course used to involve a lot of moving parts.
Today, however, online applications have made publishing courses remarkably easy. Resultantly, the Internet is awash with courses and promotions that fail to directly address the needs of consumers. Confronted with a barrage of “buy me” learning opportunities, consumers are growing increasingly frustrated.
In a marketing environment where consumers are bombarded by countless, random and impersonal brand messages, attention spans are highly limited. As a result, it’s growing increasingly difficult to capture and retain the eyes and ears of potential buyers.
By creating a content marketing strategy that speaks directly to your ideal consumers, you can deliver personalized online experiences that increase the likelihood that potential buyers are satisfied with your goods or services.
To compete in this kind of environment, business leaders must quickly grab the attention of consumers and make it easy for them to follow through with desired actions. This is essential for prospering in today’s market. Businesses can accomplish this by creating value-added content that truly speaks to the needs of buyers and stands out amid a mass of advertising that exists solely to generate sales.
And, They Want More Quality
Technology has made it easy for nearly anyone to create an online business. Some are of high quality, but many are not. Either way, a decreased barrier to entry has created a marketplace that’s flooded with competitors.
Because consumers have so many choices, they expect more of their investments. Sometimes, consumers fail to invest at all because they are simply overwhelmed with choices. Other times, consumers who do choose a good or service feel unsatisfied with their decision because they believe they could have chosen a better deal.
In this crowded marketplace, consumers want solutions that fulfill all of their needs. Often, the most influential determinant of whether they buy a good or service is how many pain points a solution resolves.
As an example, most consumers used to tune into the news every day at a designated time to check the weather. Now, however, they can go online and check the weather whenever it’s convenient for them. They are no longer dependent on the local weatherman. They can access real-time information immediately and for free.
Furthermore, consumers can now instantaneously find out weather information for any location in the world. As a result, online services have captured a considerable amount of the online audience for weather information.
Marketers Are Empowered to Deliver
Modern marketers have more access to information than ever before. Today, the latest technological innovations in marketing drive real-time decision-making.
Data analysis powered by artificial intelligence (AI) systems now gives marketers unparalleled empowerment to make data-driven decisions. In fact, there are so many resources available for modern marketers that choosing the right tools is a big challenge.
AI is the latest weapon in marketers’ arsenal. However, there are growing pains. In addition to having too many resources to choose from, many AI and data analysis resources aren’t designed to work with each other.
In this early stage of development, the technology is difficult to leverage across resources. These powerful information tools have a limited purpose and no way for marketers to integrate them to create more meaningful insights. Experts forecast, however, that artificial intelligence technology will soon solve this problem.
In the near future, data experts believe that AI technology engineers will develop tools that can integrate with a wide variety of data sources and analytical resources, helping marketers discover previously hidden opportunities. Information experts call this capability “meta-analysis,” and they believe that it will revolutionize marketing analytics.
Technology Is Enabling Marketers, but Not How You Think
Remarkable innovations are transforming the marketing industry. However, improvements in marketing are based on more than an enhanced ability to make use of massive amounts of information.
Powerful new artificial intelligence systems are helping marketing executives make mission-critical decisions. This technology frees executives to focus their energy on other important organizational tasks.
One capability that professional marketers desire for AI is for the technology to make autonomous or semi autonomous decisions based on preconfigured rules. This ability, which is called prescriptive AI, is a step above current systems that suggest opportunities without taking action.
Of course, there are times where marketing executives will want the final say in some decisions. Still, decision-making systems powered by prescriptive AI technology can make workflows simpler in an increasingly complex business environment, while eliminating the need to manage repetitive tasks.
As commerce continues to evolve, it will only grow more complex. Marketing executives are excited about the possibility of having more time to focus on threats and opportunities. Resultantly, they look forward to empowering technologies that can make their work easier while improving organizational outcomes.
Yes. The marketing industry parallels other fields such as healthcare in that technology is replacing humans. Where technology is supplanting people, however, new opportunities are emerging.
A lot of things are happening with business technology beyond data analysis and artificial intelligence. As these innovations materialize, executives must stay on top of these trends in order to remain competitive and effective.
Understanding AI-powered data analysis is a start. What’s more important is that executives comprehend the marketplace of the future as it’s increasingly influenced by technological innovation.