Healthcare The Physician and the Fitbit: Why Doctors and Administrators Don’t Love Wearables March 29, 2016
Conversations “I’d like to see NoSQL become much easier to adopt” – Interview with Basho’s John Musser March 18, 2016
Artificial Intelligence What kind of industries will expand their use of fast data in 2016? March 3, 2016
Artificial Intelligence Internet of Aircraft Things: How Analytics of IoAT is transforming the aerospace industry January 20, 2016
Energy & Environment Five Ways We Can Make Our Cities Smarter Using Identity-Driven IoT January 6, 2016
Articles ‘Streams in the Beginning, Graphs in the End’ Part III: Why it’s all connected June 15, 2015
Industry ‘Streams in the Beginning, Graphs in the End’ – Part II: Sensors, Event Streams and ‘Upside Down’ databases June 8, 2015
Articles ‘Streams in the Beginning, Graphs in the End’ — Part I: Data Management for the Internet of Everything June 1, 2015
Artificial Intelligence Furthering its Big Data and IoT Cause, UK Govt. Releases Study to Chart Out Recommendations for the Future December 22, 2014
News Meet ZEBRA- The Continuous Authentication Bracelet to Bolster Personal Security September 25, 2014