Blackmagic Design has launched its URSA Cine Immersive camera, priced at $29,995, aimed at capturing high-quality 3D video content compatible with Apple’s Vision Pro headset. Preorders are now open, with the first deliveries expected in early 2025. The camera was first revealed in June 2024.
“We are thrilled to announce the first-ever commercial camera system and post-production software that supports Apple Immersive Video, giving professional filmmakers the tools to create remarkable stories with this powerful new format pioneered by Apple,” said Grant Petty, Blackmagic Design CEO. “Built on the new URSA Cine platform, URSA Cine Immersive features a fixed, custom, stereoscopic 3D lens system with dual 8K image sensors that can capture 16 stops of dynamic range. With this innovative system, filmmakers can record remarkable moments like action-packed scenes, unique perspectives, stunning landscapes, intimate performances, and more, all with incredible fidelity, offering viewers an unparalleled sense of realism and immersion.”
Blackmagic Design launches URSA Cine Immersive camera for 3D video
The URSA Cine Immersive camera features custom stereoscopic 3D lenses and dual 8K sensors, capable of recording video at a resolution of 8160 x 7200 per eye. It can shoot at 90 frames per second and supports spatial audio, with a 180-degree field of view. The device also offers an impressive dynamic range of 16 stops, providing detail and color accuracy throughout each frame.
The camera comes equipped with dual 5-inch HDR touchscreens and an external color status LCD screen. Connectivity options include 12G-SDI out, 10G Ethernet, USB-C, and XLR audio ports, along with an 8-pin Lemo connector for power. To facilitate storage, the URSA Cine Immersive features an 8TB Blackmagic Media Module, capable of storing approximately two hours of 8K stereoscopic video in Blackmagic RAW format. Additionally, Cloud Store support allows for quick media uploads and synchronization.
Cheaper Apple Vision Pro is a long shot
The launch of the URSA Cine Immersive is poised to enhance the quality of immersive video content significantly. Currently, the Vision Pro platform has limited content options outside Apple’s productions, with apps like Amplium or Explore POV offering lower-quality alternatives. Since Apple has been the sole provider of content utilizing its proprietary format, the introduction of Blackmagic’s camera aims to change this landscape by encouraging studios to explore and produce high-quality immersive content.
Grant Petty, CEO of Blackmagic Design, stated that a forthcoming update to DaVinci Resolve Studio would complement the camera, enabling a complete workflow for Apple Immersive Video. The update is expected early next year, as Blackmagic Design collaborates with filmmakers to explore the capabilities of immersive video creation ahead of the camera’s full release in 2025.
Visual representations of the URSA Cine Immersive have been shared by Blackmagic, showcasing the device’s sleek design. Such imagery aims to illustrate its professional appeal and technical prowess to potential users and filmmakers.
Featured image credit: Blackmagic Design