Artificial Intelligence The History of Artificial Intelligence, by Narrative Science September 30, 2015
Artificial Intelligence iRobot & Astronomers in a Tiff Over Robotic Lawn Mowers. No, Really. April 15, 2015
Machine Learning Creators of Siri Snap Up $12.5m for Viv- An AI That Can Teach Itself February 24, 2015
BI & Analytics IBM Watson Adds Five New Services Including Image, Speech & Tradeoff Analytics February 6, 2015
Machine Learning Eve Stumbles Upon a Possible Cure for Malaria. Eve is a Robot Scientist. February 5, 2015
Artificial Intelligence Google Focusing R&D On “Artificial Intelligence for Data Science” December 4, 2014
Machine Learning Facebook’s AI Team Snags Vladimir Vapnik, Co-Inventor of the Support Machine Algorithm November 27, 2014
Machine Learning Saffron Technology’s Saffron 10 Mimics Brain Function to Anticipate Future Events October 16, 2014
Machine Learning IPsoft introduces Amelia, AI platform that looks to enhance productivity working with human coworkers October 1, 2014