Last days for Snapchat privacy settlement claim. If you live in Illinois and use Snapchat, you might be eligible for a share of a multi-million dollar settlement in a Snapchat lawsuit brought against the parent corporation of the social media platform. Everything you need to know about the Snapchat class action lawsuit is explained in this article.
While the Tiktok data privacy settlement payout starts, people are wondering about the Snapchat privacy settlement details. Is the Snapchat lawsuit real in Illinois? How do I file a claim on Snapchat? How much will I get from the Illinois Snapchat lawsuit? Keep reading and learn the answers and more.
Snapchat privacy settlement deadline is near: Snapchat lawsuit summary
In an Illinois class action lawsuit, Snap, the parent company of Snapchat, has accepted a $35 million Snapchat privacy settlement. The Snapchat lawsuit claims that Snapchat’s filters and lenses broke the Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA), a stringent state law that has recently caused problems for tech businesses.

Between November 17, 2015, and the present, Illinois Snapchat users who utilized the app’s lenses and filters may be entitled to a portion of the settlement.
According to court records, the Snapchat Lenses function, which enables users to snap a “Snap,” choose a specific lens, and alter their facial characteristics with special effects, is at the heart of the accusations. The lawsuit asserts that Lenses uses technology to “make, retrieve, and store” a user’s particular biometric identifiers and to construct a facial scan.
Every time it scanned the plaintiffs’ faces, the Snapchat lawsuit claims, the feature collected their biometric data without getting their informed, written agreement. The “Boone, et al. v. Snap Inc.” complaint alleges that Snapchat violated the Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) of Illinois by collecting “biometric data” without the plaintiffs’ permission.

After the court did not rule in favor of either Snapchat Inc. or the plaintiffs, which means that the social media platform did not admit wrongdoing, a settlement was struck.
“Snap continues to vehemently deny that Lenses violate BIPA, which was designed to require notice and consent before collecting biometric information used to identify people.”
The Biometric Privacy Act of Illinois forbids private institutions and businesses, no matter where they are headquartered, from gathering biometric data from unknowing residents offline or online. Data cannot be bought, sold, exchanged, or transferred.
“We deeply value the privacy of our community, and Snapchat Lenses do not collect biometric data that can be used to identify a specific person, or engage in facial identification. For example, Lenses can be used to identify an eye or a nose as being part of a face, but cannot identify an eye or a nose as belonging to any specific person.
Moreover, even the limited data that is used to power Lenses is never sent to Snap’s servers – the data never leaves the user’s mobile device. And while we are confident that Lenses do not violate BIPA, out of an abundance of caution and as a testament to our commitment to user privacy, earlier this year we rolled out an in-app consent notice for Snapchatters in Illinois.”
Suppose it is shown that a firm violated Illinois law. In that case, individuals may be entitled to civil penalties of up to $5,000 per violation, multiplied by the number of people affected and the number of days involved. There is no enforcement activity by a state regulatory agency.

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Snapchat privacy settlement amount
In order to resolve charges that some Snapchat features violate the legislation governing biometric privacy, Snap Inc. has agreed to a $35 million class action Snapchat settlement.
Snapchat privacy settlement amounts per person
The website for the Snapchat settlement states that, with the payment of attorneys’ fees, administrative charges, and other costs, class members who submit a valid and timely claim form may be eligible for “a proportionate payment from the settlement fund.”
Individual payouts will probably range between $58 and $117. The precise amount each class member will receive is still unknown.

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How to submit Snapchat privacy settlement claims?
The Snapchat privacy settlement claim deadline is near. Be hurry! Anyone who has used a Snapchat lens or filter since November 17, 2015 and who has resided in Illinois for the previous five years is eligible to make a claim online or by mail.
To submit a claim, you must include your full legal name, Snapchat username, and a legitimate Illinois address where you lived throughout the class period.
You must also submit a personal statement verifying that you utilized Snapchat lenses or filters and resided in Illinois for at least six months throughout the class period.
Snapchat privacy settlement deadline
You can submit a claim up until November 5, 2022. (Mail-in claims need to have a postmark by November 5) The deadline is October 6 if you decide to reject the Snapchat settlement and take independent legal action instead.
How to know if you are eligible for a payment from the Snapchat privacy settlement?
Anyone who has used a Snapchat lens or filter since November 17, 2015 and who has resided in Illinois for the previous five years is eligible to make a claim online or by mail.
Email the Snapchat Settlement Administrator at [email protected] or call them at 1-844-939-4343 if you’re not sure you’re eligible for reimbursement from the Snapchat lawsuit.
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How to get more information about Snapchat privacy settlement?
The Class Action Settlement Agreement & Release, available on the Important Documents page, has more information.
You can also contact the Snapchat Settlement Administration by phone, mail, or email.
Snapchat settlement phone
- (844) 939-4343
Snapchat settlement email
Snapchat settlement mail
- Snapchat Privacy Settlement c/o Administrator, 1650 Arch Street, Suite 2210, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Snapchat settlement website
Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act explained
The Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA), which lawmakers unanimously approved in Springfield in 2008, is one of the strictest privacy laws in the nation. It mandates specific security measures be taken by businesses that collect biometric data, including distinctive facial, voice, and eye characteristics, fingerprint scans, and heart rhythms.
BIPA “prohibits private entities from collecting, capturing, purchasing, receiving through trade, or otherwise obtaining a person’s biometric information,” according to the complaint, unless the user signs an informed consent release that details the specific use, how long it will be kept, and when it will be permanently destroyed, among other provisions.