Berlin Buzzwords, ‘Germany’s most exciting conference on storing, processing and searching large amounts of digital data’, is back for a fifth year. The conference will take place on May 25-28, at Kulturbrauerei Berlin. It will feature a range of presentations on large scale computing projects, ranging from beginner-friendly talks to in-depth technical presentations about various technologies. Here is our pick of some of Buzzword’s events:
Hitfox (and Dataconomy) meet Berlin Buzzwords
An obvious highlight of Berlin Buzzwords will be the meetup organised by us and held in our Dataconomy HQ.
“Peter Grosskopf, Chief Development Officer at HitFox Group, is going to welcome everyone and show the way we approach Big Data at HitFox. Thorsten Bleich, Chief Technology Officer at HitFox’s mobile targeting venture, Datamonk, will follow with his talk on how Datamonk provides targeting solutions in mobile real-time advertising by collecting, transforming, and feeding data into the mobile ecosystem with their own cutting-edge technology.”
See you there!
This talk gives a quick intro to Apache Spark and its SQL query engine Shark. Additionally Shark is compared to other SQL-on-Hadoop tools from the ecosystem, like Impala and Hive, including a live “usage-demo”.
Staying ahead of Users & Time – two use cases of scaling data with Elasticsearch
People typically choose Elasticsearch for it’s horizontal scaling capabilities and ease of use. We will architect two solutions that both scale well and do it in a way that still allows for change – whether it is data changes, growth rates or resources.
The talk will be accessible to both people who know Elasticsearch (fairly) well and those who have never used it. If you know Elasticsearch and have used it before you will learn how to put some of it’s more advanced data management API to good use. If you only heard of Elasticsearch (or even if not), you will get an impression of why people choose it to index ever growing amounts of data.
What’s new in MongoDB 2.6.
A short talk about what’s new in our biggest release ever! We’ve changed up to 80% of our codebase and added major value to the Database.
Modern Cassandra
Cassandra continues to be the weapon of choice for developers dealing with performance at scale. Whether in social networking (Instagram), scientific computing (SPring-8), or retail (eBay), Cassandra continues to deliver. This talk will look at new features in Cassandra 2.x and the upcoming 3.0, such as lightweight transactions, virtual nodes, a new data model and query language, and more.