Our phones are remarkably powerful and have developed in leaps and bounds over the past decades, evolving from simply calling devices to mini supercomputers. As a result, they can do so much more than before, making our lives so much easier, even if we often take them for granted. Being able to edit files, which was only previously possible if you had access to a desktop computer, is just one example. In this article, we’ll look at five tips to help you edit PDF files using your iPhone.
Why Edit PDF Files on Your iPhone?
You might wonder why you would ever need to edit PDF on iPhone devices, but this will be useful much more often than you might think.
Firstly, it is much more convenient, meaning you won’t need to load up your computer just to make a simple change or edit a typo. This saves you time, which can be vital in high-pressure situations, and it is also a lot easier, so you’ll have less hassle to deal with. Making changes to PDF files on your phone has never been easier or quicker, which is perfect for the modern worker.
Secondly, you can do things on the go. If you’re heading to a job interview and want to edit your CV beforehand, you can do it while sitting on the train or parked in the car park. Our phones are powerful now, so we can access tools that were unavailable 10 or even five years ago. While editing tools are not so revolutionary, they haven’t always been available, so having an editor like this is a valuable development.
Tip 1 — Make Use of Negative Space

One of the great things you can do when editing PDF files on your iPhone is to change the order of text and add new blocks. This means you can declutter the page by giving your text more breathing room. This can make it easier for readers to understand the information you’re trying to convey. It may be a case of adding additional spacing between paragraphs to break up any big chunks of text, or you may want to move things around. These are both things you can do using just your iPhone.
Tip 2 — Add Images To Engage Readers
Adding images to a PDF file will likely make it much more readable and engaging. People are drawn to pictures but are often put off by endless paragraphs, so try to break up any larger sections with imagery. If you’re working on a professional document, you could add a chart or graph as an image, which will likely help you illustrate your point further. Sometimes, a related image is all you need to add to improve readability, so try a few things out and see what works best.
Tip 3 — Remember To Add Links
It’s easy to forget to add links to your texts, but they’re essential, especially in a professional setting. Ideally, all citations should have a link attached so the reader can quickly verify the authenticity of what you’re saying. You can also use the linking feature to add internal links, which will instantly take the reader to a different part of the document, which is handy when you want readers to follow a specific path and reach particular destination points.
Tip 4 — Redacting Important Information

While you may wish to put important information in front of a wide audience, not all information may be relevant for that group. Being able to redact information without having to omit it entirely, which can hurt the context of your work, is very useful. It’s important to note that once information has been redacted and the file has been saved, this can’t be undone, so you’ll have to start from scratch or use a backup version if you want to make any edits.
Tip 5 — Adding Outlines for Better Structure
Adding some extra structure to your PDF file should make navigating the document much easier for the reader. If you’re working on a particularly large document containing multiple sections, this can be especially beneficial for readers needing additional signposting. While this isn’t always essential, it is incredibly useful and will help you create more readable documents using your iPhone.
Getting Started on Your iPhone
If you want to start editing PDF files using just your iPhone, we’ve given you some tips to help you better understand what possibilities exist. iPhones have become incredibly powerful in recent years, which means we can do things that were impossible before, providing much more convenience while considerably reducing the hassle we have to deal with. Although there are others you can use to edit PDF files, a tool like PDF Expert is an incredibly easy platform to use and is one that we’re sure will save you a lot of time.
Featured image credit: Pexels via Pixabay