Apache Samza, the distributed stream processing framework, has now graduated to become a Top-Level Project (TLP), the Apache Software Foundation has revealed.
“The incubation process at Apache has been great. It has helped us cultivate a strong community, and provided us with the support and infrastructure to make Samza grow,” noted Chris Riccomini, VP at Apache Samza.
Designed to handle fault tolerance, stateful processing, message durability, and scalability, Samza uses Apache Kafka for messaging, and Apache Hadoop YARN to provide fault tolerance, processor isolation, security, and resource management, thus enabling organizations to understand and react to their data in real-time.
Purpose-built as a production-grade system with operability and scalability in mind, to process tracking data, service log data, and for data ingestion pipelines for realtime services, Samza originated at LinkedIn, and was submitted to the Apache Incubator in July 2013.
Samza is witnessing strong adoption in business intelligence, financial services, healthcare, mobile applications, security, and software development, among other industries.
Read the announcement at the ASF blog here.
(Image credit: Tom Spinker, via Flickr)