Gartner has released this year’s Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, a report that looks at technologies that are — or have the potential to — transforming the way businesses operate.
The report scans a spectrum of influential technologies ranging from robots to 3D bioprinting systems to ‘software-defined anything’, but two of the biggest technological advances in recent years – namely, Big Data and the Cloud – received a closer look in this year’s Gartner offering.
The graph below shows some interesting results in this years report:

It is important to note that the hype cycle does not mirror the transformative power of a technology, but rather how the industry views that technology. As such, while Cloud computing is going through a phrase of disillusionment right now, according to the Gartner Hype Cycle, it is still estimated in a different Gartner report that by 2016, 60 percent of enterprises will not consider the cloud as a significant factor when investing because they will view it as a norm. It is important to note that several other cloud technologies, including hybrid cloud and mobile cloud have also moved past the peak hype stage.
Big Data has been sliding from the “peak of inflated expectations”, and is now down on the “trough of disillusionment”, being replaced by the Internet of Things as the peak. Gartner says it’s done so rather rapidly, because we already have consistency in the way we approach this technology, and that most new advances are additive rather than revolutionary.
Let us know what you think — has Big Data and Cloud Computing gone past the “hype cycle”?
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(Image Credit: Creative Tools)